Journals and Publishers of LZ

List of Journals and Small Presses

Bibliography and Note on LZ’s publications in Poetry (Chicago)


A Note on LZ’s Journal and Other Publications


Like most poets of his time, LZ relied heavily on journal publications to reach readers throughout his life, and it was not until 1965, when he was 61 years old, that he had his first book brought out by a commercial publisher with significant distribution. Across his entire career, the single most important venue for his work was Poetry magazine, on which there is a separate note below. LZ began publishing in student literary journals soon after he entered Columbia University, when he was just 16, and he continued to contribute regularly to these and a few mostly NYC based journals throughout his student days, with the most significant appearance a sonnet in Poetry in 1924. As all biographical notes indicate, LZ’s major break came with the publication of “Poem beginning ‘The’” in EP’s The Exile 3 (1928), which began the period of his most intense involvement with little magazines over the next five years. While he made brief appearances in the some of the most prominent journals of the time—The Dial, The Criterion and transition—he was a regular contributor to particularly two journals: Blues (1929-1930), edited by Charles Henri Ford & Parker Tyler, and Pagany (1930-1932), edited by Richard Johns. As the economics of the Depression increasingly squeezed the little magazine market, LZ’s journal publications in the later 1930s gradually trailed off to virtually nothing, although he was also concentrating at that time on much larger projects, particularly “A”, which usually he managed to see into print fairly promptly. In many respects the 1940s and 1950s were the most difficult period for LZ to get into print, both because of the relative paucity of little magazines and the entrenchment of a conservative modernism, represented above all by the preeminence of T.S. Eliot as both poet and critic. However, in the mid-1950s Robert Creeley, who credited Robert Duncan for introducing him to LZ’s work, sought out work for Black Mountain Review beginning in 1955, which effectively marks the discovery of LZ by a younger generation who become known as the New American Poets. Cid Corman followed up his publication of “A” 1-12 (1959) and It Was (1961) by Origin Press, by featuring LZ in the second series of Origin magazine from 1961-1964, with work appearing in every one of the 14 issues. Meanwhile, at the instigation of Gilbert Sorrentino, Kulchur was reprinting LZ’s most important critical writings, as well as publishing important earlier prose that had gone unpublished: “Modern Times,” Arise, Arise and the initial version of what became the novel Little. Throughout the 1960s and into the early 1970s, LZ appeared in numerous, often obscure little magazines as he was sought out by young poets, to whom he appears to have responded generously. However, aside from Origin and Kulchur in the early 1960s, he reserves his major works, particularly the movements of “A”, for Poetry. Also during this period, no doubt in large part due to the enthusiasm of this younger generation of poets, LZ saw the rapid appearance of almost all of his work, both old and new, by commercial publishers. W.W. Norton brought out his collected short poems as ALL in two volumes (1965 & 1966), “A” 1-12 was reprinted by Jonathan Cape (U.K., 1966) and Doubleday (U.S., 1967), Prepositions appeared from Rapp & Carroll (U.K., 1957) and Horizen (U.S., 1968), and then from 1968-1975 Grossman/Jonathan Cape would bring virtually all the rest of LZ’s work into print in very attractive editions: Ferdinand (1968), Catullus (1969), “A” 13-21 (1969), Autobiography (1970), Little (1970), “A”-24 (1972), Arise, Arise (1973) and “A” 22-23 (1975). Finally, LZ was able to correct the proofs for the collected volume of “A”, which appeared from the University of California Press the same year as his death in 1978.


List of Journals and Small Presses


The following list gives basic notes on the little magazines and presses that published LZ to give some idea of the networks in which he operated. However, my resources are limited, so this list is very incomplete and additions would be appreciated.


Accent: A Quarterly of New Literature (Urbana, IL). Autumn 1940-Autumn 1960 (20 volumes). Journal of the creative writing program of the University of Illinois.

Adams House & Lowell House Printers, Harvard Yard (Cambridge, MA). Publisher and printer Laurence H. Scott (1933-2005). A fine press publisher of broadsides and small editions. Scott was a Harvard friend of Guy Davenport, who encouraged the former to solicit work from LZ. Published An Unearthing and I Sent Thee Late (both 1965). 

Agenda (UK). Ed. William Cookson (1940-2003), 1959- . Poetry journal begun with Pound’s instigation.

The Albuquerque Review (Albuquerque, NM). Ed. N.R. Palmer, June 1961-July 1962. A weekly newspaper. LZ’s contribution in Dec. 1961 was solicited by Robert Creeley, who was visiting lecture at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque during the 1961-1962 academic year.

Alcheringa. Eds. Dennis Tedlock & Jerome Rothenberg, Fall 1970-1980 (13 issues). The entire archive of the journal is available at Jacket 2.

The Ark II/Moby I (San Francisco). Eds. Michael McClure and James Harmon, 1956-1957 (1 issue).

The Ark III (San Francisco). Ed. James Harmon, Winter 1957 (1 issue).

Artes Hispanicas/Hispanic Arts (Indiana U, Bloomington). Ed. Willis Barnstone.

The Beloit Poetry Journal (Beloit College, Wisconsin). Ed. David Ignatow, Fall 1952-Fall/Winter 1958.

Black Mountain Review (Black Mt., North Carolina). Ed. Robert Creeley, Spring 1954-Autumn 1957 (7 issues).

Black Sparrow Press (Los Angles, Santa Barbara and Santa Rosa). Publ. John Martin. Published Little / A Fragment for Careenagers (1967) and CZ’s A Bibliography of LZ (1969).

Blue Grass (Georgetown, Kentucky). Ed. H.B. Chapin. Also a press which published Found Objects (1964).

Blues: A Magazine of New Rhythms (Columbus, Miss.). Ed. Charles Henri Ford with Parker Tyler (WCW contributing editor), Feb. 1929-Fall 1930 (9 issues).

Botteghe Oscure (Rome, Italy). Ed. Marguerite Caetani, Spring 1948-Autumn 1960.

Boxwood Press/Mother Press (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania). Publ. Ralph and Mildred Buchsbaum (Boxwood) and Ron Caplan (Mother), 1952- . Published After I’s (1964).

Bozart-Westminster (Oglethorpe University, Georgia), see Westminster Magazine.

Briarcliff Quarterly (Briarcliff Junior College, Briarcliff Manor, NY). 1945-1947. A student literary magazine under the direction of Norman Macleod, succeeded the Maryland Quarterly. #11 (Oct. 1946) was a  special issue on WCW. 

Burning Deck (Ann Arbor, Michigan and Durham, Connecticut). Eds. James Camp, D.C. Hope & Bernard Waldrop, 1962-1965 (4 issues).

Calendar (NYC). Ed. Norman MacLeod, 1940-1942 (annual anthology, 3 issues). Published by The Press of James A. Decker, Prairie City, Illinois (see below). Sponsored by the Poetry Center of the New York YMHA, directed by Norman MacLeod; LZ read or participated in panel discussions at the Poetry Center on at least a couple of occasions.

The Caliper (NYC). The student literary magazine of Stuyvesant High School in New York City, which LZ attended in 1918-1919. Begun in 1904, the magazine is still ongoing. 

Cape Goliard (London). Ed. Nathaniel Tarn. Goliard Press edited by Barry Hall and Tom Raworth was founded in 1961 and absorbed by Jonathan Cape to become Cape Goliard in 1967, with Nathaniel Tarn as General Editor until 1969. Published English edition of Catullus (1969).

Caterpiller. Ed. Clayton Eshleman. 1967-1973 (20 issues).

Cleft (Edinburgh). Ed. Bill McArthur. 1963-1964 (2 issues).

The Columbia Review (NYC). Columbia University student literary journal that continued what had previously been The Morningside under the supervision of John Erskine; renamed in 1932 and overseen by Mark van Doren and Lionel Trilling throughout the 1930s and 1940s. The May 1934 issue was a special Morningside-Boar’s Head issue that included an alumni section. See The Morningside

Combustion (Toronto, Canada). Ed. Raymond H. Souster, Jan. 1957-1966 (15 issues).

Contact (NY). Eds. William Carlos Williams with Robert McAlmon & Nathanael West, Feb.-Oct. 1932 (3 issues). Originally WCW and McAlmon edited Contact from Dec. 1920-July 1923 (5 issues).

Contempo: A Review of Books and Personalities (Chapel Hill, North Carolina). Eds. Milton Avant Abernethy (1931-1934), Anthony J. Buttitta (1931-March 1932), Minna K. Abernethy (Fall 1932-1934), 31 May 1931-15 Feb. 1934.

Corinth Books (Eighth St. Bookshop, NYC). Eds. Ted & Eli Wilentz. 1959-1973. Published four books in conjunction with Jargon Society including the reprint of A Test of Poetry (1964).

Counter/Measures: A Magazine of Rime, Meter and Song (Bedford, MA). Ed. X.J. Kennedy & Dorothy Mintzlaff Kennedy. 1972-1974 (3 issues).

The Criterion (London). Ed. T.S. Eliot. Oct. 1922-Jan. 1939.

Cronos: An International Quarterly Review (Columbus, Ohio). Ed. Richard Wirtz Emerson. Spring 1947-March 1948. This journal continued Norman MacLeod’s Briarcliff Quarterly (see Maryland Quarterly) and then became The Golden Goose.

Damascus Road (Allentown & Wesconville, PA). Ed. Charles Shahoud Hanna. 1961-1982 (10 issues, the last four issues are single author chapbooks).

Decker Press [The Press of James A. Decker] (Prairie City, Illinois). Publ. James A. Decker, 1937-1947. Published 55 Poems (1941) and Anew (1946), as well as Lorine Niedecker’s New Goose (1946).

The Dial (NY). Eds. Marianne Moore & James Sibley Watson, Jr. (June 1925-July 1929), Jan. 1920-July 1929.

Échanges (Paris). Ed. Allanah Harper. 1929-1931 (5 issues).

El Corno Emplumado/The Plumed Horn (Mexico City) Eds. Margaret Randall and Sergio Mondragon, (Jan. 1962-Oct. 1968), Jan. 1962-July 1969 (31 issues).

The Exile (Rapallo, Italy; publ. Pascal Covici, Chicago). Ed. Ezra Pound, Spring 1927-Autumn 1928 (4 issues).

Fifth Floor Window (Hartford, CT & NYC). Eds. Harvey N. Foster with Ulrick Sulliven & Marianne Brown (issues 1 & 2), H.R. Hays with Harvey N. Foster & Marianne Parkes (issues 3 & 4), April 1931-May 1932 (4 issues).

Folio (Indiana U). Ed. Clayton Eshleman (for 3 issues 1959-1960). Student literary journal for Indiana U.

The Forum (NY). 1886-1950. Ed. George Henry Payne (at the time LZ published a poem in 1923).

Front (The Hague, Netherlands). Ed. Norman MacLeod (American representative), Dec. 1930-June 1931 (4 issues). Trilingual journal.

The Galley Sail Review (San Francisco, CA). Ed. Stanley McNail, Winter 1958-1970/71 (22 issues).

The Golden Goose (Columbus, Ohio). Eds. Richard W. Emerson and Frederick Eckman, Summer 1948-Summer 1949 (1st series). This journal continued from Cronos.

Granta (Cambridge, England). Founded in 1889 as a student periodical and continuing into the 1970s. Andrew Crozier, as a student at Christ’s College, Cambridge, solicited a contribution from LZ, who also gave permission to reprint “A”11, but due to space constraints Crozier was not able to include this as well (HRC 21.7). The current version of Granta was relaunched as an independent publication focusing on new writing.

Grosseteste Review (Bicester, Oxon., England). Eds. Tim Longville and John Riley, 1967-1984.

Grossman Publishers (NYC). Published American editions of Ferdinand (1968), Catullus (1969), Autobiography  (1970), Little (1970), “A”-24 (1972), Arise, Arise (1973) and “A” 22 & 23 (1975).

H.B. Chapin (Georgetown, Kentucky). Published Found Objects (1964), see Blue Grass.

Helicon (Long Island University, Brooklyn campus, NYC). Undergraduate literary magazine, 1963-1971.

Hound & Horn (Boston & Portland, Maine). Eds. Lincoln Kirstein & Varian Fry; R.P. Blackmur (1928-1930), Bernard Bandler (1929-?), A. Hyatt Major (1931-1932), Allan Tate (1932-1934), Yvor Winters (1932-1934), Sept. 1927-July/Sept. 1934 (7 volumes).

Il Mare (Rapallo, Italy). Local weekly newspaper, Ezra Pound was a contributing editor to the literary supplement.

L’Indice (Genoa, Italy). Literary magazine.

IMAGI (Allentown, PA & Baltimore). Ed. Thomas Cole. 1947-1956.

Island (Toronto, Canada). Ed. Fred Wah, Sept. 1964-1966 (8 issues).

The Jargon Society (Highlands, North Carolina). Publ. Jonathan Williams, 1951- . Published Some Time (1956) and, with Corinth Books, A Test of Poetry, 2nd edn. (1964).

Joglars (Cambridge, Mass. And Providence, RI). Ed. Clark Coolidge and Michael Palmer, 1964 & 1966 (3 issues).

Jonathan Cape (London). Publ. & Senior Editor Jonathan Cape, 1921-1960; Tom Maschler 1960-? (absorbed by Random House in 1987). Published English editions of All: The Collected Poems 1923-1958 (1966), All: The Collected Poems 1956-1964 (1967) Ferdinand/including It Was (1968), and “A” 13-21 (1969).

Jonathan Williams, Publisher. See Jargon Society.

The Journal of Creative Behavior (Buffalo, NY). Ed. David Posner.

King Ida’s Watch Chain (Newcastle-upon-Tyne, England). Ed. Tom Pickard (1 issue on Basil Bunting). The full title of this issue reads King Ida’s Watch Chain: A Moving Anthology (Quarterly). Link One: Basil Bunting Issue and with a design by Richard Hamilton that consists of 16 separate items of various sizes in a manila envelope by and about Bunting. This was published by Tom and Connie Pickard’s famous Morden Tower poetry bookstore/center in Newcastle. Bunting personally solicited contributions from LZ for Pickard in a letter dated 13 June 1964 (HRC 12.6).

Kulchur (NYC), Eds. Marc Schleifer (Spring 1960-Summer 1962), Lita Hornick (Summer 1962- ), Gilbert Sorrentino (1961-Summer 1963) and others, including Joel Oppenheimer, Spring 1960-Winter 1965/66 (20 issues). Founded as a “vanguard magazine devoted principally to Criticism and Commentary.”

The Lavender (City College, NYC). 1923-1926. Student publication; at the time LZ published in it, his high school classmate and friend Henry Zolinsky was one of the editors. The title refers to the school colors of CCNY.

The Left: A Quarterly Review of Radical and Experimental Art (Davenport, Iowa). Eds. George Redfield & Jay du Von, 1931 (2 issues).

Les Presses Modernes (Paris).

LHS [Laurence H. Scott], see Adams House and Lowell House Printers.

Lines (NYC). Ed. Aram Saroyan, Sept. 1964-Nov. 1965 (6 issues).

The Lion & Crown (Columbia University, NY). Ed. James G. Leippert. Fall 1932-Jan. 1933? (2 issues). A successor to the short-lived independent student magazine The new broom and Morningside (1931-1932), both edited by Leippert (Ronald Lane Latimer). Steel Wagstaff notes: “The inaugural issue of The Lion & Crown, published in Fall 1932, shows clear evidence of Zukofsky’s editorial influence, as it featured writing by Reznikoff, Rakosi, Bunting [the essay “Some Limitations of English”], contributions from peripheral ‘Objectivists’ Frances Fletcher, Forrest Anderson, and Jess Loewenthal, and a review of Williams’ A Novelette and Other Prose (which had been published by To, Publishers) by Zukofsky’s friend Jerry Reisman” (The “Objectivists”: A Website Dedicated to the “Objectivist” Poets (Diss. 2018): 295).

Maryland Quarterly (University of Maryland, English Dept., College Park, MD). Eds. various students under the direction of Norman MacLeod, Jan.-July 1944 (3 issues). This journal subsequently became the Briarcliff Quarterly when MacLeod moved to Briarcliff Community College 1945-1947.

The Massachusetts Review (U of Massachusetts, Amherst). Eds. F.C. Ellert (Oct. 1959-Summer 1963) and Sidney Kaplan (Spring 1961-Summer 1963).

Monks Pond. Ed. Thomas Merton, Spring-Winter 1968 (4 issues).

Montevallo Review (Montevallo, AL). Ed. Robert Payne, 1950-1953.

Morada. Ed. Norman Macleod (Albuquerque, NM), 4 issues 1929-1931 (although last issue is numbered 5). Ed. Norman Macleod (NYC) and with Donal McKenzie (Laga de Garda, Italy) for final issue as tri-lingual journal.

The Morningside (Columbia University, NY). The heir of various student literary magazines at Columbia University throughout the 19th century, the publication came out as a poetry journal under this title from 1896-1904 when John Erskine was a student at Columbia. The journal was revived in 1920 under the supervision of Erskine, now a professor, as an independent student publication which was self-supporting and the issues were sold. The journal was closely associated with the Boar’s Head Society, the student literary group also under the supervision of Erskine. In 1932 The Morningside was absorbed into the Columbia Review. Both Whittaker Chambers and Meyer Schapiro served as editors. The name derived from the fact that Columbia was located on Morningside Heights in upper west-side Manhattan. See Columbia Review

Nativity: An American Quarterly (Delaware, Ohio). Ed. Boris J. Israel (aka Baline Owen). Winter 1930-Spring 1931 (2 issues).

Neon (Brooklyn, NY). Ed. Gilbert Sorrentino, 1956-1960 (4 issues and 2 supplements).

New Directions in Prose and Poetry (Norfolk, CT & NYC). Ed. James Laughlin, annual 1936-1991.

New Masses (NYC). Eds. Mike Gold and John Sloan, May 1926-March 1948 (began as monthly and became weekly in Jan. 1934. Although Mike Gold was listed as editor throughout, he in fact did not exercise much editorial control, which devolved to a frequently shifting editorial board, members of whom included at various times Stanley Burnshaw (1934-1936), Joseph Freeman (1936-1937), Joshua Kunitz, Herman Michelson, Joseph North, Loren Miller, Granville Hicks and F.W. Dupree.

New Mexico Quarterly (University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM). 1931-1969.

The New Review: An International Note Book of the Arts (Fontenay-aux-Roses, Seine, France). Eds, Samual Putnam and Richard Thoma. Jan. 1931-April 1932 (5 issues).

Nomad (Los Angeles, CA). Eds. Donald Factor & Anthony Linick. Winter 1959-Autumn 1962 (11 issues).

The Objectivist Press. See “Objectivists” Publications.

The Old Line (University of Maryland, College Park, MD). This was a student literary journal that apparently was edited or advised by Norman MacLeod at the time LZ appeared in a “International Literary Issue” in 1943. The following year MacLeod would continue with the Maryland Quarterly.

Openings Press (Bath, UK). Eds. John Furnival & Dom Sylvester Houédard. Founded in 1963 and specializing in the intersection of poetry and art, including concrete poetry. Houédard invited LZ to contribute resulting in the folded card with John Furnival’s artwork.

Origin and Origin Press. Ed. Cid Corman. Five series: 1st series (Dorchester, Mass.), 20 issues (Spring 1951-Winter 1957), 2nd series (Kyoto, Japan), 14 issues (April 1961-July 1964), 3rd series (Kyoto, Japan), 20 issues (April 1966-1971), 4th series (Boston), 20 issues (Oct. 1977-July 1982), 5th series (Orono, Maine), 4 issues (Fall 1983-Fall 1984). Origin Press published “A” 1-12 (1959) and It Was (1961). The second series of Origin featured LZ throughout; for this series Corman was considerably assisted by Will Petersen, who was responsible for the design and production of the issues, as well as for It Was.

Pagan: A Magazine for Eudaemonists (NYC). Ed. Joseph Kling. Monthly from May 1916-Jan. 1922.

Pagany (Boston & New York). Ed. Richard Johns, Jan./March 1930-Dec/ 1932 (12 issues).

Paris Review (Paris). Eds. George Plimpton, Peter Matthiessen, Donald Hall, et. al, Spring 1953-1974; Tom Clark (Poetry Editor 1964-1974). Paris Review Editions published “A” 1-12 (1966) and “A” 13-21 (1969). LZ published just once in the journal, three Catullus renditions in #32 (Summer-Fall 1964), which also included interviews with Cocteau, WCW and Picasso (which supplied some details in “A”-18), plus two short sections from Charles Olson, Maximus Poems (which immediately followed the Catullus) and two poems by Lorine Niedecker.

Partisan Review (NYC). Eds. F.W. Dupee, Mary McCarthy, et. al., Feb./March 1934- ; Delmore Schwartz (1943-1955).

The Phoenix Book Shop (Greenwich Village, NYC). Propriator and publisher Robert A. Wilson, 1962-1988.

The Philadelphia Public Ledger, 1836-1942. Daily newspaper.

Poetry (Chicago, Illinois). Eds. Harriet Monroe (Oct. 1912-Oct. 1936), George Dillon (Nov. 1937-Aug. 1942), Karl Shapiro (Feb. 1950-Sept. 1955), Henry Rago (Oct. 1955-June 1969), Daryl Hine (July 1969-Dec. 1977), Oct. 1912- . All issues available online here.

Pomegranate Press (Cambridge, MA), 1972-1981. Founded by the illustrator and designer Karyl Klopp to publish fine press editions of poetry broadsides and small booklets.

Poor.Old.Tired.Horse (Edinburgh, UK). Ed. Ian Hamilton Finlay with Jessie McGruffie (#3-13), with Sue Finlay (#14-25), 1961-1967 (25 issues).

The Pound Newsletter (U of California, Berkeley). Eds. John Edwards & William Vasse, Jan. 1954-April 1956 (10 issues).

Quarterly Review of Literature (Bard College, NY: 1948-1968). Eds. Theodore Weiss and Renée Weiss, 1943-1999.

The Resuscitator (Bristol and Cambridge, UK). Eds. John James, Nick Wayte and Charles McNeill (1st issue only), Autumn 1963-May 1965 (7 numbers); second series, Jan. 1968-Jan. 1969 (4 numbers).

Return (Four Winds Press, Provincetown, Mass.). Ed. Emanuel Navarre. 1958 (4 issues?). 

The Review (UK). Eds. Ian Hamilton, Michael Fried, John Fuller and Colin Falck. 1962-1972 (30 numbers). LZ’s publication of a section from “A”-13 in #10 (1964) was part of a Black Mountain Poetry feature edited by Charles Tomlinson.

Rhythmus: A Magazine of the New Poetry (NYC). Ed. Gustav Davidson and Oscar Williams, Jan. 1923-June 1924 (6 issues).

Riata (Austin, Texas). Student publication at the U of Texas at Austin edited by David Oliphant (1964-1965) at the time LZ contributed.

San Francisco Review. Eds. George Hitchcock, June Oppen Degnan & Roy Miller, 1959-1962? (12 issues).

Singe (Laundering Room Press, Newcastle & London). 1976-1977. This was the fifth issue of Laundering Room Press Magazine, guest edited by Asa Benveniste of Trigram Press. The general editor of Laundering Room Press and Magazine was Brian Marley. The magazine brought out 6 issues between 1973-1977.

The Stinehour Press (Lunenburg, Vermont). Published 80 Flowers (1978). A fine arts press founded in 1952 by the renown printer and book designer, Roderick Stinehour.

The Symposium: A Critical Review (NYC). Eds. James Burnham and Philip E. Wheelwright. 1930-1933 (4 issues).

To Publishers. See ”Objectivists” Publications.

Tomorrow (NYC). Ed. Eileen J. Garrett, Sept. 1941-1962 (monthly and quarterly).

Transatlantic Review (NYC). Summer 1959-June 1977 (60 issues). Ed. J.F. McCrindle. Gerald Malanga edited issue #52 as “An Anthology of New American Poetry.”

transition (Paris until March 1928, then Colombay-les-deux-Eglises, France). Ed. Eugene Jolas, April 1927-Spring 1938.

Tree (Santa Barbara, CA). Ed. David Meltzer. Winter 1970-Summer 1975 (5 issues). This journal was strongly focused on the Kabbala and contemporary poetry, and LZ’s contribution to the first issue consisted of a short passage reprinted from Bottom that quotes from and briefly comments on a passage from the Zohar. See note to “A”-22.528.16-18.

Trigram Press (London). Publishers Asa & Penelope Benveniste and Paul Vaughn, 1965-?. Published “A”22 & 23 (1977).

Trobar (Brooklyn, NY). Eds. George Economou, Joan Kelly and Robert Kelly, 1960-1964 (5 issues). Trobar Press published I’s (pronounced eyes) (1963).

Turret Books (London). Directors Edward Lucie-Smith, Bernard Stone & George Rapp, 1965-1975. Small press specializing in limited edition booklets by contemporary poets. Published “A”-14 (1967) Catullus Fragmenta (1968)

Two Worlds: A Literary Quarterly Devoted to the Increase of the Gaiety of Nations (NYC). Ed. Samuel Roth, Sept. 1925-June 1926 (4 issues). Contributing editors Arthur Symons, Ezra Pound, Ford Madox Hueffer. Each issue of Two Worlds included an extract from James Joyce’s work in progress, Finnegans Wake, called simply “A New Unnamed Work.” Samuel Roth’s followup journal (or continuation), Two Worlds Monthly (July 1926-Oct. 1927) would achieve notoriety for publishing unauthorized chapters of Ulysses, then banned in the US.

Unicorn Press (Santa Barbara, CA). Director & designers Alan Brilliant & Teo Savory, 1966-1984. Published An Era (1970).

Varsity: The Columbia Literary Monthly (Columbia University, NYC). Undergraduate literary magazine founded in 1919 later absorbed into the Columbia Review.

View (NYC). Ed. Charles Henri Ford & Parker Tyler, Sept. 1940-March 1947 (35 numbers). A Surrealist journal. 

Voices: A Magazine of Verse (Boston/NYC). Ed. Harold Vinal. A quarterly begun in 1921 and continued into the 1960s.

Wagner Literary Magazine (Wagner College, Staten Island, NY). Ed. Norman Black. (formerly Nimbus).

Westminster Magazine (Oglethorpe University, Georgia). Originally established in 1911 as a church paper by Thornwell Jacobs, Westminster Magazine evolved into a literary magazine and then in 1932 into a quarterly edited by Robert England. In Spring 1935 it merged with the poetry review Bozart to become Bozart-Westminster, edited by James E. Routh. Issue 9.1/24.1 (Spring-Summer 1935) was guest edited by EP, John Drummond and T.C. Wilson, and also including contributions by WCW and Niedecker.

Wild Dog (Pocatello, Idaho, Salt Lake City, Utah and SF). Eds. John Hoopes, Ed Dorn, Drew Wagnon and others, April 1963-March 1966 (21 issues).

Wild Hawthorn Press (Edinburgh, UK). Founded by Ian Hamilton Finlay and Jesse McGuffie in 1961. Published 16 Once Published (1962).

The Windsor Quarterly: Modern Literature. (Hartland Four Corners, Vermont & Commonwealth College, Mena, Arkansas). Eds. F.B. Maxham & Irene Merrill. Spring 1933-Spring 1935.

Workshop (London). Ed. Norman Hidden, Sept. 1968-1981. This journal evolved through several names: Writer’s Workshop (1 issue), Workshop (11 issues until 1971), Workshop New Poetry (25 issues until 1974) and finally New Poetry (until 1981). 

Yale Poetry Review (Newhaven, CT). Eds. Harvey Shapiro, Tom McMahon & Rolfe Fjelde (Shapiro states that WCW sent him the poem the journal published in 1946).


LZ’s Publications in Poetry (Chicago)


By far the single most important journal that published LZ was Poetry magazine, in which he appeared over a 50 year period, beginning with a sonnet as he turned 20 years old. Despite Harriet Monroe’s tepid response to the “Objectivists” issue of Feb. 1931, LZ continued to place key poems in Poetry, which unlike little magazines paid contributors as well as being his best chance at a national audience. When Henry Rago assumed editorship of the journal (1955-1969), he was an enthusiastic supporter of LZ, who came to see Poetry as his preferred venue for publishing the movements of “A”. In all, ten movements would appear in the journal, including the complete sequence “A” 14-22 (excluding the brief “A”-16 & -20). All issues of Poetry are available online from the Poetry Foundation, who also have a slide-show presentation of some of LZ’s later contributions to Poetry


“Of Dying Beauty,” Poetry 23.4 (Jan. 1924): 197.

“Siren and Signal” [sequence including “’He came also still’”; “All the stars have filled the heavens”; “Play lost banjos”; “North River Ferry” [Ferry]; “Cars once steel and green”; “Comes a day when the round tracts of sky”; “During lunch hour”], Poetry 34.3 (June 1929): 146-149.

“A” (Seventh Movement); “University: Old Time” [as Joyce  Hopkins]; “Program: ‘Objectivists’ 1931”; “Sincerity and Objectification” I, II, III; Note to Symposium by Parker Tyler and Charles Henri Ford; Translation of René Taupin, “Three Poems by André Salmon”—I, Poetry 37.5 (Feb. 1931): 242-246, 268-285, 287-288, 289-293 [“Objectivists” issue].

“The February Number” (reply to Stanley Burnshaw), Poetry 38.1 (April 1931): 55-57 [with Burnshaw’s letter responding to the “Objectivists” issue].

“’London or Troy?’ ‘Adest’” (review of Basil Bunting, Redimiculum Matellarum), Poetry 38.3 (June 1931): 160-162.

“A” (Second Movement), Poetry 40.1 (April 1932): 26-29.

“Objectivists Again,” Poetry 42.2 (May 1933): 117 [letter to the editor replying to Morris U. Schappes’ review of An “Objectivists” Anthology in Poetry 41.6 (March 1933) with brief response by Schappes 117-118].

“Song 29,” Poetry 42.6 (Sept. 1933): 312.

“‘Mantis,’” Poetry 45.6 (March 1935): 320-321.

“A”-9 (First Half), Poetry 58.3 (June 1941): 128-130.

“1892-1941,” Poetry 59.6 (Sept. 1942): 314-315.

“Poetry in a Modern Age” (review of Vivienne Koch, William Carlos Williams), Poetry 76.3 (June 1950): 177-180 [incorporates “An Old Note on Williams Carlos Williams’].

“The Judge and the Bird,” Poetry 85.2 (Nov. 1954): 74-76.

“The Guests,” Poetry 87.6 (March 1956): 346-348.

“What I Come To Do Is Partial” (review of Robert Creeley, The Whip), Poetry 92.2 (May 1958): 110-112.

Two from Barely and widely, Poetry 92.3 (June 1958): 133-138 [“Stratford-on-Avon” & “This year”].

“Three from Gaius Valerius Catullus” (with CZ) [Catullus 1-3], Poetry 94.3 (June 1959): 148-149.

“Jaunt,” Poetry 95.5 (Feb. 1960): 296-299.

From Bottom: on Shakespeare [“Ember eves” & “Z”], Poetry 97.3 (Dec. 1960): 141-152.

“Atque in Perpetuum A.W.,” Poetry 101.1 & 2 (Oct.-Nov. 1962): 143.

“The Old Poet Moves to a New Apartment 14 Times,” Poetry 101.6 (March 1963): 373-382.

“A”-17: A Coronal, Poetry 103.1 & 2 (Oct.-Nov. 1963): 124-137.

“Versions of Catullus” (Quod mihi fortuna, with CZ) [Catullus 68, 68a], Poetry 105.3 (Dec. 1964): 155-160.

“A”-14; “Pronounced Golgonoozà?,” Poetry 107.1 (Oct.1965): 1-51, 65-68 [issue devoted to LZ].

“A”-15, Poetry 108.6 (Sept. 1966): 357-375.

“A”-18, Poetry 110.5 (Aug. 1967): 281-303.

“A”-19, Poetry 111.2 (Nov. 1967): 82-111.

From “A”-21, Acts I & II, Poetry 112.5 (Aug. 1968): 297-322.

From “A”-21, Act III, Poetry 112.6 (Sept. 1968): 402-417.

Peliaco Quondam” (with CZ) [Catullus 64], Poetry 114.4 (July 1969): 219-233.

“Program: ‘Objectivists’ 1931,” Poetry 121.1 (Oct. 1972): 45-48 [reprinted from the Feb. 1931 “Objectivists” issue for a issue marking Poetry’s 50th year].

from “A”-22 [“AN ERA” to “Nature says, this wet, vine” 508-527], Poetry 122 (July 1973): 215-234.

from “A”-22 [“Centuries (place) telescope Sun” to end 527-535], Poetry 124.1 (April 1974): 35-44.