Printings of “A”

The following lists all publications of parts of “A” prior to the first complete edition of 1978, in other words all publications during LZ’s lifetime.


An “Objectivists” Anthology. NY: To Publishers, 1932. 112-117.

Pagany 3.3 (Summer 1932): 9-13.

“A” 1-12. Kyoto, Japan: Origin Press, 1959.

Revolution of the Word. Ed. Jerome Rothenberg. NY: Seabury P, 1974.



An “Objectivists” Anthology. NY: To Publishers, 1932. 118-120.

Poetry 40.1 (April 1932): 26-29.

“A” 1-12. Kyoto, Japan: Origin Press, 1959.



The New Review 2 (May-July 1931). 83-85.

An “Objectivists” Anthology. NY: To Publishers, 1932. 121-124.

“A” 1-12. Kyoto, Japan: Origin Press, 1959.



The New Review 2 (May-July 1931). 85-88.

An “Objectivists” Anthology. NY: To Publishers, 1932. 124-128.

“A” 1-12. Kyoto, Japan: Origin Press, 1959.

The Galley Sail Review 5 (Winter 1960): 8 [from “Rain blows, light, on quiet water” to “Shimaunu-Sān, my clear star” (13-14); Li Po issue, ed. David Rafael Wang].

The Voice That Is Great Within Us: American Poetry of the Twentieth Century, ed. Hayden Carruth. NY: Bantam, 1970.

America a Prophecy: A New Reading of American Poetry. Eds. Jerome Rothenberg & George Quasha. NY: Random House, 1973. 347-350.



An “Objectivists” Anthology. NY: To Publishers, 1932. 128-132.

Active Anthology, ed. Ezra Pound. London: Faber & Faber, 1933. 124-128.

“A” 1-12. Kyoto, Japan: Origin Press, 1959.



An “Objectivists” Anthology. NY: To Publishers, 1932. 132-152.

Active Anthology, ed. Ezra Pound. London: Faber & Faber, 1933. 128-149.

“A” 1-12. Kyoto, Japan: Origin Press, 1959.

Agenda 3.6 (Dec. 1964): 7 [“By Way of Epigraph” (from A-6): from “The melody! The rest is accessory” to “the direction of historic and / contemporary particulars” (24)].



Poetry 37.5, The “Objectivists” issue (Feb. 1931): 242-246.

An “Objectivists” Anthology. NY: To Publishers, 1932. 152-155.

Active Anthology, ed. Ezra Pound. London: Faber & Faber, 1933. 150-153.

“A” 1-12. Kyoto, Japan: Origin Press, 1959.

Agenda 3.6 (Dec. 1964): 10-12.



The New Masses 24.5 (27 July 1937): 16 [“The Labor Process” from “A”-8: from “’What I did’ said Marx” to “SOCONY will not always sign off the air” (61-63)].

The New Masses 27.6 (3 May 1938): 14 [“March Comrades” from “A”-8; from “Workers and farmers unite” to “May of the Freed of All the Earth” (48-49)].

New Directions 1938. Ed. James Laughlin. Norfolk, CT: New Directions, 1938. 93-149 [complete].

“A” 1-12. Kyoto, Japan: Origin Press, 1959.

The Galley Sail Review 5 (Winter 1960): 9 [from “China, the one place it could happen” to “Publishers” (94-95); Li Po issue, ed. David Rafael Wang].

Poetry Book Society Bulletin (Dec. 1966) [from “A”-8].



First Half of “A”-9 (1940) [privately published with extensive “aids”].

Poetry 58.3 (June 1941): 128-130 [“(First half)”].

Montevallo Review 1.4 (Summer 1953) [“Love speaks (from Second Half of ‘A’-9)”].

“A” 1-12. Kyoto, Japan: Origin Press, 1959.

“A”-9. future 5, edition hansjörg mayer, 1966 [both halves with Cavalcanti’s original Italian and a short preface, “die form,” with a brief chronological note].



Calendar: An Anthology of 1941 Poetry (1941): 8-20 [under the title, “Paris”].

“A” 1-12. Kyoto, Japan: Origin Press, 1959.



Botteghe Oscure 8 (1951): 326-327.

“A” 1-12. Kyoto, Japan: Origin Press, 1959.

Helicon 3.1 (Spring 1964).

Agenda 3.6 (Dec. 1964): 13-14.

A Controversy of Poets. Eds. Paris Leary & Robert Kelly. Garden City, NY: Anchor/Doubleday, 1965. 521-522.

The Voice That Is Great Within Us: American Poetry of the Twentieth Century. Ed. Hayden Carruth. NY: Bantam, 1970.



The Beloit Poetry Journal 5.1, Chapbook 3 (1954), Whitman Centennial Celebration: 1-3 [from “In the eighth month” to “The fire roared, quieted to light” (228-231)].

Black Mt. Review 2.5 (Summer 1955): 52-53 [from “Ardent / good” to “To / Live—” (236-237)].

The Quarterly Review of Literature 8.3 (April 1956): 193-198 [from “G.S. as an old woman” to “Have brought me” (223-228)].

“A” 1-12. Kyoto, Japan: Origin Press, 1959.

Return (Aug. 1959).

Return 4 (Fall 1959).

The Galley Sail Review 5 (Winter 1960): 10 [“The best man learns of himself” to “This is all-around / Intellect” (135-136); Li Po issue, ed. David Rafael Wang].

Agenda 3.6 (Dec. 1964): 14 [from “He who knows” to “What else is happiness?” (181-182)].

A Big Jewish Book. Ed. Jerome Rothenberg. Garden City, NY: Anchor/Doubleday, 1978: 350-355 [from “There is too much air in the air” to “Except: such were his actions” (148-154)].



Origin 1, second series (April 1961): 1-13, 14-30 [partita I & ii].

Origin 3, second series (Oct. 1961): 1-14 [partita iii].

Origin 4, second series (Jan. 1962): 53-64 [partite iv & v].

The Review 10 (Jan. 1964) [“A Version from ‘A’-13”].

The New Writing in the U.S.A. (1967) [partite iii].

Poetry Supplement, The Journal of Creative Behavior 1.3 (July 1967): 20-21 [“’A’ Cantata 13 v”: a selection of passages from part v arranged as a libretto in various voices].

“A” 13-21. London: Jonathan Cape, 1969; NY: Doubleday, 1969.

Inside Outer Space: New Poems of the Space Age, ed. Robert Vas Dias (Garden City, HY: Anchor/Doubleday, 1970): 361-362 [from “A”-13 partitia i: from “I won’t say that ‘the world’” to “The hirer / Where the help” (265-266)].



Poetry 107.1 (Oct. 1965): 1-51.

“A”-14. London: Turret Books, 1967.

“A” 13-21. London: Jonathan Cape, 1969; NY: Doubleday, 1969.

Inside Outer Space: New Poems of the Space Age, ed. Robert Vas Dias (Garden City, HY: Anchor/Doubleday, 1970): 363-366 [from “A”-14 beginning An: from “An / orange” to “all you / have lavished” (314-317)].



Iyyob. London: Turret Books, 1965 [from “An / hinny” to “In two we shadow, how hide any” (359-360)].

Poetry 108.6 (Sept. 1966): 357-375.

The American Literary Anthology 1 (June 1968): 429-436 [from “An / hinny / by / stallion” to “the lid of the coffin” (359-366)].

“A” 13-21. London: Jonathan Cape, 1969; NY: Doubleday, 1969.

Alcheringa 5 (Spring-Summer 1973): 3-4 [“The Iyyob Translation from ‘A’-15”; from “An / hinny” to “In two we shadow, how hide any” (359-360)].

Open Poetry: Four Anthologies of Expanded Poems. Eds. Ronald Gross & George Quasha. Simon and Schuster. 231-242.

A Big Jewish Book. Ed. Jerome Rothenberg, Garden City, NY: Anchor/Doubleday, 1978 [“The Iyyob Translation from ‘A’-15”: from “An / hinny” to “In two we shadow, how hide any” (359-360)].



Origin 14, second series (July 1964): [back cover].

Jornal Do Commercio (22 May 1966).

“A” 13-21. London: Jonathan Cape, 1969; NY: Doubleday, 1969.



Poetry 103.1/2 (Oct./Nov. 1963): 124-137 [“’A’-17: A Coronal”].

“A” 13-21. London: Jonathan Cape, 1969; NY: Doubleday, 1969.



An Unearthing. Harvard Yard by the Adams House & Lowell House Printers, May 1965 [from “An unearthing” to “it always said” (389-390)].

Poetry 110.5 (Aug. 1967): 281-303.

The American Literary Anthology 2 (1969): 389-408.

“A” 13-21. London: Jonathan Cape, 1969; NY: Doubleday, 1969.



Poetry 111.2 (Nov. 1967): 82-111.

“A” 13-21. London: Jonathan Cape, 1969; NY: Doubleday, 1969.



Agenda 4.3/4 (Summer 1966): 37-38.

“A” 13-21. London: Jonathan Cape, 1969; NY: Doubleday, 1969.



Poetry 112.5 (Aug. 1968): 297-322 [Acts I & II].

Poetry 112.6 (Sept. 1968): 402-417 [Act III].

“A” 13-21. London: Jonathan Cape, 1969; NY: Doubleday, 1969.



“Concrete Poem.” Santa Barbara, CA: Unicorn Postcard Series I, [May] 1970 [AN ERA / ANYTIME / OF YEAR].

Initial. NY: The Phoenix Book Shop, 1970 [“Others letters a sum owed” to “sweet treble hold lovely—initial” (508-511)].

From “A”-22. Cambridge, MA: Pomegranate Press, 1972.

Poetry 122 (July 1973): 215-234 [from “AN ERA / ANY TIME” to “Nature says, this wet, vine” (508-527)].

Poetry 124 (April 1974): 35-44 [from “Centuries (place) telescope Sun” to end (527-535)].

“A” 22 & 23. NY: Grossman, 1975; London: Trigram, 1977.



Agenda 13.2 (Summer 1975): 10-12 [from “(His gain mother earth—pant” to “rain, go on in peace” (546-549)].

Transatlantic Review 52 (Autumn 1975): 5-8 [from “An unforeseen delight a round” to “this other time sound one” (536-538)].

Singe 5 (Winter 1977) [from “An art of honor, laud—” to “z-sited path are but us” (560-563)].

“A” 22 & 23. NY: Grossman, 1975; London: Trigram, 1977.



“A” 24. NY: Grossman, 1972.