Z-siteA Companion to the Works of Louis Zukofsky
Sources Used by LZ
Although certainly not exhaustive, the following attempts to be a reasonably complete list of the sources LZ used in “A”, as well as listing those editions referred to in Z-site notes. Major editions used in works other than “A” are included, although no attempt has been made to list every work and edition used in Bottom, but the notes to that work include information of this nature. LZ was not shy about using quotations and material picked up in more ephemeral sources, particularly the New York Times, or using reading notes sent to him by Lorine Niedecker and perhaps others. Consequently, unless the source can be confidently identified as in the family library, it is not always certain he actually read the book. As much as possible, I have listed editions and translations that we can be reasonably certain LZ used, but this cannot be guaranteed in all cases. Books marked with a asterisk (*) are those we know LZ owned or were in the family library at one time or another, although the editions or printings listed may not be precisely those LZ used (see LZ Library).
The majority of these texts and the exact editions LZ used are now available online—particularly at the Internet Archive . Another useful source for texts of the older editions of the Loeb Classical Library and other invaluable tools is the Perseus Digital Library (Tufts University).
*Adams, Charles Francis and Henry Adams. A Chapter of Erie and Other Essays. Boston: James R. Osgood and Co., 1871.
*Adams, Henry. The Degradation of the Democratic Dogma. Intro. Brooks Adams. NY: Capricorn Books, 1920.
*___. The Education of Henry Adams. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1918.
*___. Letters of Henry Adams (1858-1891). Ed. Worthington Chauncey Ford. Houghton Mifflin Company, 1930.
*___. Mont-Saint-Michel and Chartres. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1913.
*____. ed. Documents Related to New-England Federalism, 1800-1815. Boston: Little, Brown, 1877.
*Aeschylus. Aeschylus, 2 vols. Trans. Herbert Weir Smyth. Heinemann, 1922. Loeb Classical Library.
Allen, H. Stanley. Electrons and Waves: An Introduction to Atomic Physics. London: Macmillan, 1932.
*Apuleius, Lucius. The Story of Cupid and Psyche. Trans. William Aldington. Edited with facing Latin text & notes by R.J.Hughes. Temple Classics, 1903.
*Aquinas, Thomas. Introduction to Saint Thomas Aquinas. Ed. Anton C. Pegis. NY: Modern Library, 1948.
*Arberry, A.J., ed. Persian Poems. E.P. Dutton, 1954. Everyman’s Library.
Archaeological Relics in Mexico. Distribuidora de petroleos mexicanos, n.d.
*Aristophanes. Aristophanes, 3 volumes. Trans. Benjamin Bickley Rogers. Loeb Classical Library. Harvard UP, 1946.
*Aristotle. Introduction to Aristotle, ed. Richard McKeon. Modern Library, 1947.
___. Aristotle on the Parts of Animals, Trans. W. Ogle. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, 1882.
*___. Nicomachean Ethics. Trans. H. Rackham. Loeb Classical Library. Harvard UP, 1945.
Audiau, Jean & René Lavaud, eds. Nouvelle anthologie des troubadours, rev. ed. Delagrave, 1928.
*Bakewell, Charles M. Source Book in Ancient Philosophy. Rev. ed. Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1939.
*Beowulf, with the Finnesburg Fragment. Ed. C.L. Wrenn. D.C. Heath, 1953.
*Blake, William. Complete Writings. Ed. Geoffrey Keynes. Oxford UP, 1966.
Boehme, Jacob. The Signature of Things (1621).
*Bouquet, A.C. Sacred Books of the World: A Companion Source-Book to Comparative Religion. Penguin Books, 1954.
*Bowra, C.M. Primitive Song. NY: New American Library, 1963.
*Boyle, Robert. The Sceptical Chymist. Dent/Dutton, 1937. Everyman’s Library.
*Bradner, Leicester, ed. The Poems of Queen Elizabeth I. Providence, RI: Brown UP, 1964.
*Bright’s Anglo-Saxon Reader. Rev. J.R. Hulbert. Henry Hold, 1957.
Browne, Lewis, ed. The Wisdom of Israel. New York: The Modern Library (Random House), 1945.
*Browne, Sir Thomas. Works, 3 vols. George Bell & Sons, 1878. Bohn’s Library.
*Browning, Robert. Complete Poetical Works, Macmillan, 1907.
Buber, Martin. Ten Rungs: Hasidic Sayings. Trans. Olga Marx. NY: Schocken, 1947.
*Budge, E.A. Wallis. The Book of the Dead: The Hieroglyphic Transcript of the Papyrus of Ani. 1913. Rpt. University Books, 1960.
*Burnet, John. Early Greek Philosophy. Meridian Books, World Publ. Co., 1930.
*Burns, Emile, ed. Handbook of Marxism. NY: International Publs., 1935.
*Burton, Robert. The Anatomy of Melancholy (1621).
*Butler, Samuel. The Way of All Flesh (1903).
*Callimachus. Callimachus and Lycophron. Trans. A.W. Mair. Loeb Classical Library. Heinemann, 1921.
Callois, Roger. “La Mante religieuse. De la biologie à la psychanalyse.” Minotaure 5 (May 1935).
*Camoens, Luis Vaz de. The Lusiads. Trans. William C. Atkinson. Penguin Books, 1952.
*Catullus. Catullus, Tibullus and Pervigilium Veneris. Trans. F.W. Cornish [Catullus only]. Loeb Classical Library. Heinemann/Putnam, 1913, rev. 1924.
*___. Catullus. Ed. Elmer Truesdell Merrill. Boston: Ginn & Co., 1893.
*Cavalcanti, Guido. Guido Cavalcanti Rime. Ed. & trans. Ezra Pound. Genoa, Italy: Marsano, 1932.
*Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia, The. Eds. William Dwight Whitney and Benjamin Eli Smith. NY: Century Co., 1911 [there were several different forms of the dictionary but the one LZ bought was apparently 10 volumes]. Online.
*Chapman, George, trans. Homer’s Batrachomyomachia, Hymns and Epigrams. John Russell Smith, 1888. IA [also includes Chapman’s versions of Hesiod’s Works and Days, Musaeus’ Hero and Leander and Juvenal’s Fifth Satire].
*Chaucer, Geoffrey. The Complete Works of Geoffrey Chaucer. Ed. Walter W. Skeat. Oxford: Clarendon, 1894.
*Childe, Vere Gordon. What Happened in History? Pelican Books, 1946.
*Cid, The Poem of. Trans. W.S. Merwin [with Spanish text]. New American Library, 1959.
*Collier, John. The Indians of the Americas: The Long Hope. NY: New American Library (Mentor Books), 1948.
*Columbus, Christopher. Selected Letters of Christopher Columbus with Other Original Documents Related to the Four Voyages to the New World. Ed. and trans. R.H. Major. Corinth Books, 1961 (reprint).
Conrad, Joseph. The Heart of Darkness (1902).
*Cranmer-Byng, L. The Vision of Asia: An Interpretation of Chinese Art and Culture. London: John Murray, 1932, 1947 ed.).
Croce, Benedetto. History of Europe in the Nineteenth Century. Trans. Henry Furst. New York: Harcourt, Brace & World, 1963.
*Cummings, E.E. Him. NY: Boni & Liveright, 1927.
*Dante, Alighieri. The Inferno of Dante Alighieri. Trans. J.A. Carlyle, rev. H. Oelsner. Temple Classics. London: J.M. Dent, 1900.
*___. The Paradiso of Dante Alighieri. Trans. P.H. Wicksteed. Temple Classics. London: J.M. Dent, 1899.
*___. The Purgatorio of Dante Alighieri. Trans. Thomas Okey. Temple Classics. London: J.M. Dent, 1901.
*___. A Translation of the Latin Works of Dante Alighieri. Trans. A.G. Ferrers Howell [De Vulgari Eloquentia] & Philip H. Wicksteed [Epistolae]. Temple Classics. London: J.M. Dent, 1904.
*___. The Vita Nuova and the Canzoniere by Dante Alighieri. Trans. Thomas Okey (The Vita Nuova) and P.H. Wicksteed. Temple Classics. London: J.M. Dent, 1911.
*Darwin, Charles. The Autobiography of Charles Darwin, 1808-1882. Norton, 1958.
*David, Hans T. & Arthur Mendel. The Bach Reader: A Life of Johann Sebastian Bach in Letters and Documents, rev. ed. Norton, 1966.
*Davidson, Basil. The African Past: Chronicles from Antiquity to Modern Times. 1964.
*Da Vinci, Leonardo. An Exhibition of Drawings from the Royal Collection. Buckingham Palace, Queen’s Gallery, 1969.
de Angulo, Jaime. Indian Tales. Hill & Wang, 1953.
*Debussy, Claude. Monsieur Croche, the Dilettante Hater. Trans. B.N. Langdon Davies. NY: Viking Press, 1927.
Delacroix, Eugène. The Journal of Eugene Delacroix. Trans. Walter Pach. London: Jonathan Cape, 1938.
*Demetrius. In Aristotle: Poetics, Longinus On the Sublime, Demetrius On Style. Ed. and trans. W. Rhys Roberts. Heinemann and Harvard UP, 1902. Loeb Classical Library. Online version of this translation.
*Densmore, Frances. Papago Music. Washington, D.C.: Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin 90, 1929.
*___. Yuman and Yaqui Music. Washington, D.C.: Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin 110, 1932.
*Dickens, Charles. American Notes (1842).
*Dickins, Bruce & R. M. Wilson, eds. Early Middle English Texts. Norton, 1951.
*Diderot, Denis, Rameau’s Nephew and Other Works. Trans. Jacques Barzun & Ralph H. Bowen. Doubleday, 1956.
*Diogenes Laertius: Lives of Eminent Philosophers, 2 vols. Trans. R.D. Hicks. Loeb Classical Library. Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP, 1970.
*D’Israeli, Isaac. Curiosities of Literature. Sel. & ed. Everett Bleiler. Dover, 1964.
*Donne, John. Letters to Severall Persons of Honour. Ed. Charles Edmund Merrill, Jr. Sturgis & Walton, 1910.
*Doughty, Charles Montagu. Travels in Arabia Deserta. Abridged by Edward Garnett. Garden City, NY: Doubleday-Anchor, 1955.
Eddington, Sir A. S. The Nature of the Physical World (Macmillan, 1928).
*Elegy and Iambus, being the remains of all the Greek elegiac and iambic poets from Callinus to Crates excepting the choliambic writers with the Anacreontea. Ed. and trans. J.M. Edmonds. Loeb Classical Library. Heinemann and Harvard UP, 1931.
*Elizabeth I, Queen. The Poems of Queen Elizabeth I. Ed. Leicester Bradner. Brown UP, 1964.
*Emerson, Ralph Waldo. Letters and Social Aims. Ed. E.W. Emerson. Houghton Mifflin, 1904.
*Euripides. The Plays of Euripides, 2 vols. Ed. A.S. Way. Trans. M. Wodhull and R. Potter, with Shelley’s Cyclops and D. Milman’s Bacchanals. Everyman’s Library. Dutton, 1947.
*Fenollosa, Ernest F. Epochs of Chinese and Japanese Art: An Outline History of East Asiatic Design, 2 vols. NY: Frederick A. Stokes, 1921.
*Saint Francis of Assisi. The Legend of St. Francis by the Three Companions. Trans. E.G. Salter. Temple Classics. Dent, 1904.
*___. The Little Flowers of Saint Francis. Trans. T.W. Arnold. Temple Classics. Dent, 1989.
*___. Sacrum Commercium: The Converse of Francis and His Sons with Holy Poverty. Trans. H.D. Rawnsley. Temple Classics. Dent, 1904.
Frege, Gottlob. The Foundations of Arithmetic: a logico-mathematical enquiry into the concept of number, rev. ed. Trans. J.L. Austin. Harper Torchbook, 1960.
*Fremantle, Anne. The Age of Belief: The Medieval Philosophers. NY: New American Library, 1954.
Fry, Roger. Last Lectures. Cambridge UP, 1939.
*Fustel de Coulanges, Numa Denis. The Ancient City: A Study on the Religion, Laws, and Institutions of Greece and Rome. Trans. Willard Small. Doubleday/Anchor, 1956.
*Gallie, W.B. Peirce and Pragmaticism. Penguin Books, 1952.
*Gerhardi, William. The Polyglots, 2nd ed. NY: Duffield, 1925. Text quoted in notes is from a revised edition, London: Secker & Warburg, 1983.
*Gibbon, Edward. Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, 6 vols. Everyman’s Library. E.P. Dutton, 1925.
*___. A Vindication. Oxford UP, 1961.
*Giles, Herbert A. A History of Chinese Literature. D. Appleton & Co., 1928 [originally publ. 1901].
*Golding, Arthur. Shakespeare’s Ovid, Being Arthur Golding’s Translation of the Metamorphoses. Ed. W.H.D. Rouse. (1904).
*Goff, Frederick R. The Permanence of Johann Gutenberg. Humanities Research Center, U of Texas at Austin, 1970.
*Gray, Asa. Gray’s Manual of Botany: A Handbook of the Flowering Plants and Ferns of the Central and Northeastern United States and Adjacent Canada, largely rewritten and expanded by Merritt Lyndon Fernald, 8th edition, 1950.
*The Greek Anthology. 5 vols. Trans. W.R. Paton. Loeb Classical Library. Harvard UP, 1915.
*The Greek Bucolic Poets. Trans. J.M. Edmonds. Loeb Classical Library. Heinemann, 1912.
*Griaule, Marcel. Conversations with Ogotemmêli: An Introduction to Dogon Religious Ideas. Oxford UP, 1970.
*Hadas, Moses, trans. Three Greek Romances. Doubleday Anchor, 1953 [includes Longus, Daphnis and Chloe, Xenophon, An Ephesian Tale and Dio Chysostom, The Hunters of Euboea].
Hale, F. From Persian Uplands. London: Constable, 1920.
*Harrison, Jane. Prolegomena to the Study of Greek Religion, 2nd ed. London: Merlin, 1962 [originally publ. 1907].
*Hawthorne, Nathaniel. A Wonder-Book, Tanglewood Tales, Grandfather’s Chair. Houghton Mifflin, 1883.
*Hearn, Lafcadio. A Japanese Miscellany. Charles E. Tuttle, 1954.
*Herodotus. The History of Herodotus, 2 vols. Trans. George Rawlinson. Everyman’s Library. NY: E.P. Dutton, 1910.
*Hesiod. Hesiod: The Poems and Fragments, done into English Prose with Introduction and Appendices by A.W. Mair. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1908.
*___. The Homeric Hymns and Homerica. Trans. Hugh G. Evelyn-White. Loeb Classical Library. Heinemann/Harvard UP, 1936.
*Holt, Elizabeth. A Documentary History of Art, 2 vols. Doubleday-Anchor, 1957, 1958.
*Homer. The Iliad. Trans. A.T. Murray. Loeb Classical Library. Heinemann/Harvard UP, 1924.
*___. The Iliad. Trans. W.H.D. Rouse. NY: New American Library, 1938.
*___. The Odyssey. Trans. A.T. Murray. Loeb Classical Library. Heinemann/Harvard UP, 1919.
*___. The Odyssey. Trans. W.H.D. Rouse. NY: New American Library, 1937.
*Hood, Thomas. Poetical Works. Little Brown, 1856.
Hutchins, Patricia. Ezra Pound’s Kensington: An Exploration 1885-1913. London: Faber, 1965.
Hyacinth, Socrates. “South-Western Slang.” Overland Monthly (Aug. 1869): 125-131.
*Ibn Khaldûn. The Muqaddimah: An Introduction to History. Abridged and ed. N.J. Dawood. Trans. Franz Rosenthal. Princeton UP, 1967.
*James, Henry. “The Altar of the Dead” (1895).
*___. The American Scene. NY: Scribner’s Sons, 1946.
*___. The Golden Bowl. Dell Publishers, 1963.
___. “Is There Life After Death” (1910).
*___. A London Life. Grove Press, 1957.
*___. “Maud-Evelyn” (1900).
*___. “The Middle Years” (1893).
*___. A Small Boy and Others. NY: Scribner’s, 1913.
*___. “The Tone of Time” (1900).
*Jefferson, Thomas. The Life and Selected Writings of Thomas Jefferson. Eds. Adrienne Koch & William Peden. Random House, 1944 [includes Autobiography and Notes on the State of Virginia].
*Johnson, Samuel. Lives of the English Poets, 2 vols. World Classics. Oxford UP, 1936.
___. Samuel Johnson’s Dictionary: A Modern Selection. Eds. E.L. McAdam, Jr. & George Milne. Modern Library/Random House, 1965.
*Johnson, Samuel & James Boswell. The Portable Johnson and Boswell. Ed. Louis Kronenberger. Viking, 1947.
*Josephus. Vol. I: The Life and Against Apion. Trans. H. St. J. Thackeray. Loeb Classical Library. Harvard UP, 1926.
Joyce, James. Stephen Hero: A Part of the First Draft of A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. Ed. Theodore Spencer. New Directions, 1944.
*Juvenal. Juvenal and Persius. Trans. G.G. Ramsay. Loeb Classical Library. G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1918.
“Kaigh, Roger” [Irving Kaplan]. “Paper.” Published as “The Written Record…” in Basil Bunting, Three Essays. Durham, U.K.: Basil Bunting Poetry Centre, 1994. 7-19 [mistakenly attributed to Bunting, this essay is dated 1922-1923; for its curious history and significance to LZ, see Andrew Crozier, “Paper Bunting,” Sagetrieb 14.3 (1995): 45-74].
*Kalm, Peter (Pehr). The America of 1750: Peter Kalm’sTravels in North America, the English Version of 1770, 2 vols. Ed. Adolph B. Benson. 1937. Dover reprint.
Kroeber, Theodora. Ishi in Two Worlds: A Biography of the Last Wild Indian in North America. U of California P, 1961.
*Lamb, Charles. Essays of Elia. Everyman Library, Dent/Dutton, 1919.
*Lamb, Harold. Genghis Khan: Emperor of All Men. Penguin Books, 1942.
*Landor, Walter Savage. A Day-Book of Walter Savage Landor. Chosen by John Bailey. Oxford UP, 1919.
*___. The Pentameron: Citation and Examination of William Shakespeare, Minor Prose Pieces, Criticisms. Roberts Brothers, 1888.
Landowski, Wanda. Music of the Past. Trans. William Aspenwall Bradley. Alfred A. Knopf, 1924.
*Langland, William. Piers the Plowman. Ed. W.W. Skeat. Oxford UP, 1965.
Lenin, Vladimir. “Lecture on the 1905 Revolution” (1917).
___. Lessons of the Moscow Uprising” (1906).
___. State and Revolution (1918).
___. “The Teachings of Karl Marx” (1914).
*Lethaby, W.R. Architecture: An Introduction to the History and Theory of the Art of Building, 2nd ed. Henry Holt, 1939.
*Lewis, Charlton T. and Charles Short. A Latin Dictionary. Oxford: Clarendon P, 1879. Online.
*Lichtenberg, Georg Christoph. Aphorisms & Letters. Trans. Henry C. Hatfield & Franz H. Mautner. Jonathan Cape, 1969.
*Liddell, Henry George and Robert Scott. Greek-English Lexicon. Oxford: Clarendon P, 1889.
*Lin, Yutang, ed. The Wisdom of China and India. NY: Random House, 1942.
*Lucian. Vol. VI [includes “How to Write History]. Trans. K. Kilburn. Loeb Classical Library. Heinemann/Harvard UP, 1959.
*Lucretius. Lucretius on the Nature of Things. Trans. Cyril Bailey. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1910.
*Lyell, Sir Charles. Geological Evidences of the Antiquity of Man (1863). Everyman’s Library with introduction and notes by R.H. Rastall, Dutton, 1914.
*Lyra Graeca: Being the Remains of All the Greek Lyric Poets from Eumelus to Timotheus Excepting Pindar, 3 vols. Ed. and trans. J.M. Edmonds. Loeb Classical Library. Heinemann, 1922.
*Mabinogion, The. Trans. Charlotte Guest. Temple Classics. J.M. Dent, 1902.
*MacDonnell, Arthur. A Vedic Reader for Students. Oxford UP, 1965.
Machiavelli, Niccolo. The Prince and the Discourses. Trans. Luigi Ricci, rev. E.R.P. Vincent. Modern Library, 1950.
*Mallarmé, Stéphane. Oeuvres Complètes. Edition Gallimard, 1945.
___. Le “Livre” de Mallarmé [see Jacques Scherer].
*Malinowski, Bronislaw. Magic, Science and Religion and Other Essays. Garden City, NY: Doubleday Anchor, 1954 [reprint of 1948 Free Press edition].
Mandelstam, Nadezhda. Hope Against Hope: A Memoir. Trans. Max Hayward. Atheneum, 1970.
Marquand, John P. Lord Timothy Dexter of Newburyport, Massachusetts. New York: Minton, Balch & Co., 1925.
*Martial. Epigrams, 2 vols. Trans. Walter C.A. Ker. Loeb Classical Library. Heineman, 1919-1920.
*Marx, Karl. Capital. Trans. Eden and Cedar Paul. Everyman’s Library, 1930.
___. Letters to Dr. Kugelmann. Ed. With Preface by Lenin. London: Martin Lawrence, [1934?].
Marx, Karl and Frederick Engels. Selected Correspondence: 1846-1895. Ed. and trans. Dona Torr. New York: International Publishers, 1935.
___. The Communist Manifesto. Trans. Samuel Moore.
*Massingham, H. J., ed. A Treasury of Seventeenth Century English Verse from the Death of Shakespeare to the Restoration (1616-1660). Macmillan, 1919.
*Mather, Cotton. “The Life of John Eliot,” in The Puritans: A Sourcebook of Their Writings, 2 vols. Ed. Perry Miller & Thomas H. Johnson. Harper & Row, 1963.
*Merton, Thomas. The Way of Chuang Tzu. NY: New Directions. 1965.
*Milton, John. The Poems of John Milton, 2nd ed. Ed. James Holly Hanford. NY: Ronald Press Co., 1953.
Michener, James A. The Floating World. NY: Random House, 1954.
Montaigne, Michel de. The Autobiography of Michel de Montaigne. Ed. and trans. Marvin Lowenthal. Houghton Mifflin, 1935.
*Müller, Ernst. History of Jewish Mysticism. Trans. Maurice Simon. Phaidon Press, 1946.
Nahm, Milton C., ed. Selections from Early Greek Philosophy. F.S. Crofts & Co., 1935.
Needham, Joseph. Science and Civilisation in China, Vol. 1 Introductory Orientations. Cambridge UP, 1954.
___. Science and Civilisation in China, Vol. 2 History of Scientific Thought. Cambridge UP, 1956.
Niedecker, Lorine. Collected Works. Ed. Jenny Penberthy. Berkeley: U of California P, 2002.
*Onions, C.T. A Shakespeare Glossary. Oxford UP, 1911, 1919.
*Ovid. Metamorphoses, 2 vols. Trans. Frank Justus Miller. Loeb Classical Library. Heinemann, 1921.
*Pascal, Blaise. Pascal’s Pensées. Intro. T.S. Eliot. Trans. W.F. Trotter. 1931 [1958 ed. used publ. by E.P. Dutton].
*Paracelsus: Selected Writing. Ed. Jolande Jacobi. Trans. Norbert Guterman. Princeton UP/Bollingen Series, 1951.
Payne, Robert, ed. The White Pony: An Anthology of Chinese Poetry. Mentor Book, 1960.
*Peacock, William, ed. English Prose, Vol. III: Walpole to Lamb. Oxford UP, 1921.
Peattie, Donald Culross, ed. Audubon’s America: The Narratives and Experiences of John James Audubon. Houghton Mifflin Co., 1940.
*Penguin Book of Chinese Verse. Ed. A.R. Davis. Trans. Robert Kotewall & Norman L. Smith. Penguin Books, 1962.
*Penguin Book of French Verse, 4 vols. Trans. Brian Woledge, Geoffrey Brereton & Anthony Hartley. Penguin Books, 1957, 1958, 1959, 1961.
*Penguin Book of Latin Verse. Trans. Frederick Brittain. Penguin Books, 1962.
*Penguin Book of Spanish Verse. Trans. J.M. Cohan. Penguin, 1956.
*Philostratus. The Life of Apollonius of Tyana, the Epistles of Apollonius and the Treatise of Eusebius, 2 vols. Trans. F.C. Conybeare. Loeb Classical Library. Heinemann, 1912.
*Plato. Dialogues of Plato, 2nd ed. Trans. Benjamin Jowett. Oxford UP, 1875. [One edition LZ used was the Portable Plato, ed. Scott Buchanan (1948), which includes the Jowett translations of Protagoras, Symposium, Phaedo and The Republic].
*___. The Portable Plato. Ed. Scott Buchanan. Viking Press, 1948.
*___. Timaeus and Critias. Trans. A.E. Taylor. London: Meuthen, 1929.
*___. Timaeus, Critias, Cleitophon, Menexenus, Epistles. Trans. R.G. Bury. Loeb Classical Library. Heinemann, 1929.
*Plautus: Poenulus, Pseudolus, and Rudens. Trans. Paul Nixon. Loeb Classical Library. Harvard UP, 1965.
___. The Rudens of Plautus. Trans. Cleveland King Chase. Clinton, NY: Hamilton College, 1919.
*Pliny the Elder. Natural History. Trans. H. Rackham. Loeb Classical Library. Heinemann, 1967.
*Plotinus. Vol. I. Porphyry on the Life of Plotinus and Ennead 1. Trans. A.H. Armstrong. Loeb Classical Library. Harvard UP, 1966.
Poincaré, Henri. Foundations of Science: Science and Hypothesis, The Value of Science, Science and Method. Trans. George Bruce Halsted (1912).
*Pound, Ezra. The Cantos of Ezra Pound. NY: New Directions, 1972.
*___. Antheil and the Treatise on Harmony. Chicago: Pascal Covici, 1927.
*___. The Classic Anthology Defined by Confucius. Harvard UP, 1954.
*___. Draft of XXX Cantos. Paris: Hours Press. 1930.
*___. Literary Essays. Ed. T.S. Eliot. New Directions, 1968.
*___. Personae: The Shorter Poems of Ezra Pound, rev. ed. Eds. Lea Baechler and A. Walton Litz. NY: New Directions, 1990.
*___. The Spirit of Romance. London: J.M. Dent, 1919.
*___. Ta Hio: The Great Learning. Seattle: U of Washington Book Store, 1928.
*___. Translations. NY: New Directions, 1963.
*Propertius. Elegies. Trans. H.E. Butler. Loeb Classical Library. Heineman/G.P. Putnam, 1916.
*Proust, Marcel. Remembrance of Things Past, vol. 3: The Guermantes Way. Trans. C.K. Scott Moncrieff. NY: Random House, 1952.
*___. Remembrance of Things Past, vol. 2: Within a Budding Grove. Trans. C.K. Scott Moncrieff. NY: Random House, 1951.
*Rabelais, François. The Portable Rabelais. Ed. Samuel Putnam. Viking Press, 1946.
Reznikoff, Charles. The Manner “Music”. Santa Barbara, CA: Black Sparrow Press, 1977.
*Rimbaud, Arthur. Rimbaud [Collected Poems – Penguin Poets]. Trans. Oliver Bernard. Penguin, 1962.
Rothenberg, Jerome, ed. Shaking the Pumpkin: Traditional Poetry of the Indian North Americas. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1972.
*Sandars, N.K. The Epic of Gilgamesh: An English Version. Penguin Books, 1960.
*Scherer, Jacques. Le “Livre” de Mallarmé. Paris: Gallimard, 1957.
Schönberg, Arnold. Preliminary Exercises in Counterpoint. Ed. Leonard Stein. NY: St. Martin’s Press, 1964.
Scriblerus Club. Memoirs of the Extraordinary Life, Works, and Discoveries of Martinus Scriblerus. Ed. Charles Kerby-Miller. New Haven: Yale UP, 1950.
Schweitzer, Albert. J. S. Bach, 2 vols. Trans. Ernest Newman. London: Adam & Charles Black, 1911.
*Sextus Empiricus. Against the Professors. Trans. R.G. Bury. Loeb Classical Library. Harvard UP, 1949.
*Shakespeare, William. The Complete Poems and Plays of William Shakespeare. Ed. W.A. Neilson and C.J. Hill. New Cambridge Edition. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1942.
*___. Poems and Pericles [facsimilie edition]. Ed. Stanley Lee. Oxford UP, 1905.
*Sharp, Andrew. Ancient Voyagers in the Pacific. Penguin Books, 1957.
*Shelley, Percy Bysshe. Complete Poetical Works. Thomas Y. Cromwell, 1933.
*Smart, Christopher. Jubilate Agno. Ed. W.H. Bond. London: Rupert Hart-Davis, 1954.
*Smith, Logan Pearsall. Unforgotten Years. Little, Brown, 1939.
*Sophocles. 2 vols. Trans. F. Storr. Loeb Classical Library. Heinmann, 1912, 1913. IA.
*Spenser, Edmund. Poetical Works. Eds. J.C. Smith & E. de Selincourt. Oxford UP, 1942.
*Spinoza, Baruch. The Chief Works of Benedict de Spinoza, 2 vols. Trans. R.H.M. Elwes [except A Political Treatise, by A.H. Gosset]. NY: Dover, 1951. IA
*___. Ethics and On the Correction of the Understanding. Trans. Andrew Boyle. Introduction by George Santayana. Everyman’s Library, 1910.
*___. Spinoza’s Short Treatise on God, Man and Human Welfare. Trans. Lydia Gillingham Robinson. Open Court, 1909.
Stein, Gertrude. How Writing Is Written. Ed. Robert Barlett Haas. Santa Barbara, CA: Black Sparrow Press, 1977.
*___. Lectures in America. NY: Random House, 1935.
*___. Selected Writings of Gertrude Stein. Ed. Carl Van Vetchen. NY: Random House, 1946.
Stendhal. On Love. Trans. C.K Scott-Moncrieff. 1927.
___. The Charterhouse of Parma. Trans. C.K. Scott-Moncrieff. 1926.
Sterne, Laurence. A Sentimental Journey through France and Italy (1768).
*Strabo. The Geography, 8 vols. Trans. H.L. Jones. Loeb Classical Library. Harvard UP, 1917-1932.
*Sturluson, Snorri. Heimskringla: The Olaf Sagas, 2 vols. Trans. Samuel Laing. Everyman’s Library. Dutton, 1964.
*Swift, Jonathan. Gulliver’s Travels and Other Writings. Modern Library/Random House, 1958. [includes A Tale of the Tub, The Battle of the Books, Partridge-Bicherstaff Papers]
*___. Journal to Stella. Everyman’s Library. E.P. Dutton, 1964.
*Terry, Charles Sanford. Bach: A Biography, 2nd ed. Oxford UP, 1933.
___. Joh. Seb. Bach, Cantata Texts: Sacred and Secular. Constable & Co., 1926.
*Theophrastus. Enquiry into Plants, 2 vols. Trans. Arthur Hort. Loeb Classical Library. Harvard UP, 1916.
*Thomas, Ivor. Selections Illustrating the History of Greek Mathematics, 2 vols. Loeb Classical Library. Harvard UP, 1939.
*Tolstoy, Leo. War and Peace. Trans. Aylmer & Louise Maud. Oxford World Classics, 1961.
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Van Aalst, J.A. Chinese Music. 1884.
*Vasari, Giorgio. Lives of the Painters, Sculptors, and Architects, 8 vols. Trans. A.B. Hinds. Temple Classics. J.M. Dent, 1900.
Veblen, Thorstein. The Engineers and the Price System. NY: B.W. Huebsch, 1921.
___. “The Evolution of the Scientific Point of View.” In The Place of Science in Modern Civilization and Other Essays. NY: Huebsch, 1919).
___. The Vested Interests and the State of the Industrial Arts. NY: Huebsch, 1919 [later edition, The Vested Interests and the Common Man, 1923].
*Vico, Giambattista, The New Science. Trans. Thomas Goddard Bergin and Max Harold Fisch. Ithaca, NY: Cornell UP, 1948.
*Virgil. Virgil, 2 vols. Rev. ed. Trans. H. Rushton Fairclough. Loeb Classical Library. Heinemann, 1938.
*Voltaire. The Portable Voltaire. Ed. Ben Ray Redman. NY: Viking Press, 1963 [includes Candide and selections from the Philosophical Dictionary].
*Waddell, Helen. The Wandering Scholars of the Middle Ages. Doubleday Anchor 1955.
*Walton, Izaak. The Complete Angler. Temple Classics. J.M. Dent, 1905.
*Whistler, James McNeill. The Gentle Art of Making Enemies. G.P Putnam’s Sons, 1911.
*Wiener, Norbert. Cybernetics: or Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine, 2nd ed. MIT Press, 1961.
*Williams, Gwyn. An Introduction to Welsh Poetry: From the Beginnings to the Sixteenth Century. London: Faber and Faber, 1953.
Williams, William Carlos. The Collected Poems of William Carlos Williams, Volume I: 1909-1939. Eds. A. Walton Litz and Christopher MacGowan. Volume II: 1939-1962. Ed. Christopher MacGowan. NY: New Directions, 1986 and 1988.
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*___. Spring and All. Paris: Contact Publ., 1923.
*___. A Voyage to Pagany. NY: New Directions, 1970 [originally published by Macaulay Co., 1928].
*___. Yes, Mrs. Williams: A Personal Record of My Mother. NY: McDowell, Obolensky, 1959.
*Willetts, William. Chinese Art, 2 vols. Penguin Books, 1958
*Wilmot, John (Earl of Rochester). Poems. Oxford UP, 1953.
*Wittgenstein, Ludwig. The Blue and Brown Books. Harper & Row, 1965.
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